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COVID-19 Memorandum of Understanding
We are faced with many challenges on construction job sites these days with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. IBEW Local Union 683 and The Central Ohio Chapter of NECA have agreed to a screening process and safety procedures during the pandemic crisis. The Memorandum was negotiated in good faith with the intent of protecting the personal and professional interests of the membership of IBEW Local Union 683.
We are in this together, and together we will make it through these trying times,
Fraternally, Ed Moore

COVID-19 Memorandum of Understanding between IBEW Local 683 and Central Ohio Chapter of NECA, Inc.
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 683 and the Columbus Division, Central Ohio Chapter, NECA, Inc. mutually agree due to safety concerns surrounding COVID-19 pandemic, Employers may pre-screen Employees for COVID-19, pursuant to the following terms:
General Terms and Conditions
The parties agree to the following terms and conditions:
     1. Employees may be requested to take their temperature at home before leaving for a job site, if a personal thermometer is available, and/or an employee may be required to have their temperature take on site at the discretion of the Employer either using the Employee's own personal thermometer or one provided at the site, prior to beginning work. The Employee's personal thermometer shall not be used to take anyone else's temperature.
     2. If a screened employee has a temperature of 100.4 Fahrenheit or greater, or such other threshold that an Owner may designate, the employee may be sent home to self-monitor or quarantine in accordance with protocols that shall be consistent with the Ohio Department of Health and/or CDC guidelines.
     3. Employees may be required to fill out questionnaires and/or checklists pertaining to COVID-19  exposure risks per the Ohio Department of Health and/or CDC on their mobile devices before reporting to a job if they wish, or on paper or by a mobile device provided by the Employer on the job site.
     4. If directed by the Ohio Department of Health, CDC, or required by the Owner or Employer, Employees may be required to wear a non-surgical mask or face covering. The Employer will provide non-surgical grade masks or face coverings in compliance with the Ohio Department of Health and/or CDC guidelines provided that those supplies are available to the employer.
     5. All employees on the job site agree to abide by the project COVID-19  procedures and escalate as appropriate per Ohio Department of Health and/or CDC requirements.
     6. Shift differential may be waived on essential construction projects that are not being properly manned due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this provision is to create opportunities for wiremen and technicians to work on a site with multiple shifts to reduce the total amount of construction personnel at any given time to facilitate social distancing guidelines. By no means is this provision mandatory for an individual to work and there shall be no adverse action taken against an employee if they refuse to work under this provision. In order to utilize the shift provision, the construction project must meet the following criteria; (1) Under contract and progressing prior to COVID-19 pandemic, (2) not currently working multiple shifts, (3) Written approval from the Business Manager.
     7. Other than as specifically written above, nothing in this Memorandum of Understanding will be construed as to limit, alter, or modify any IBEW/NECA negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement.
     8. The Memorandum will become effective April 1, 2020, and shall remain in effect until terminated. Local 683 and the Central Ohio NECA Chapter will meet every thirty (30) days to determine its continued utilization; however, the Memorandum can be terminated by the Business Manager upon written notice.

John E. (Ed) Moore, Business Manager, Local 683
Jonathan Mandl, Chapter Manager, Central Ohio Chapter, NECA

NECA/IBEW National Disease Emergency Response Agreement (NDERA)
This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) (together the "Parties"), and it is applicable to all firms and IBEW local unions that sign a Letter of Assent to be bound to a construction agreement between any chapter of NECA any local union of the IBEW. The IBEW may make this Agreement available to other employers in the construction industry that have not signed a Letter of Assent to be bound to a construction agreement between any chapter of NECA and any local union the IBEW.

This Agreement shall take effect March 16, 2020 and shall remain in effect until terminated as provided herein. The Parties shall meet via teleconference every 30 days to evaluate this Agreement and determine its continued utility. The Parties may mutually terminate the Agreement immediately, and either party may unilaterally terminate this Agreement by Providing at least a 90 day written notification to the other party.

The term chapter, as hereinafter used, shall mean the applicable chapter of NECA.

The term local union, as hereinafter used, shall mean an IBEW Local Union.

The term employer, as hereinafter used, shall mean the individual firm that has signed a Letter of Assent to a construction agreement between any chapter of NECA and any local union of the IBEW or agreement between NECA and the IBEW, or if this Agreement is made available to a contractor that has not signed a Letter of Assent, but is otherwise signatory to a construction agreement with a local union of the IBEW, employer shall also mean such contractor.

This Agreement (NDERA) shall supersede any conflicting provisions in a construction agreement between any chapter of NECA and any local union of the IBEW, except that it shall not supersede any locally negotiated MOU or agreement between a chapter of NECA and an IBEW local union addressing the impact of coronavirus.

The term employee, as hereinafter used, shall mean an individual performing work pursuant to the terms of a collective bargaining agreement between any chapter of NECA and any local union of the IBEW or agreement between NECA and the IBEW, or pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement between a contractor that has not signed a Letter of Assent, but is otherwise signatory to a construction agreement with a local union of the IBEW and has adopted this Agreement.

The term coronavirus shall mean coronavirus disease COVID-19.

During the period of this Agreement, the following conditions exist:
           Reports having contact with another person(s) who is reasonably believed to have contracted coronavirus or a similar disease
           Has recently returned from a High-Risk Country as defined by the Center of Disease Control (CDC); or
           Presents symptoms associated with the coronavirus or similar disease as defined by the CDC

The employer shall be permitted to remove the employee from the jobsite and require the employee to obtain a doctor's release certifying that the employee is able to return to work. If an employee is confirmed to have coronavirus or similar disease, the employer shall notify all employees who were believed to be in contact with this individual and take actions consistent with appropriate protocols to prevent the further spread of the disease.
If an Employee reasonably believes another employee(s) has met one or more of the above conditions, the employee shall report such to the employer as soon as reasonably possible. The emplolyer shall then follow all appropriate guidance and protocols to ensure a safe jobsite.

There shall be no adverse action taken against an employee who refuses to be present at the jobsite so long as the employee genuinely believes there is imminent danger and a reasonable person would agree there is a real danger of contracting coronavirus at the jobsite, nor shall any adverse action be taken against an employee who has been quarantined, or advised to self-quarantine, due to possible exposure to coronavirus.

In the event access to a jobsite is restricted or denied by the employer or other appropriate public or private authority in response to the conronavirus or similar disease, the employer shall be permitted to temporarily furlough the employees assigned to this jobsite. The employer shall not contest any unemployment claims filed by employees, temporarily furloughed as a result of a restricted or closed jobsite due to the coronavirus or similar disease, or who have refused to be present at the jobsite out of a genuine belief that being present would place them in imminent danger of contracting coronavirus, or who have been quarantined, or advised to self-quarantine, due to possible exposure to coronavirus. Such employees shall be permitted to return to their original positions with their employer upon the resumption of work on the jobsite, and/or their ability to return, without the need of the referral process, and irrespective of whether such employees have signed their local union's out-of-work list.

This threat is ongoing and must be continually monitored by the Parties who agree to discuss any new legislation or regulation related to the coronavirus or similar disease that may impact this Agreement

Signed - David Long - NECA and Lonnie R. Stephenson, International President, March 16, 2020.

Center for Disease Control Resources for COVID-19

High-Risk Countries


OSHA Resources
Guidance on preparing Workplaces